Monday, December 30, 2013

HGUC RX-77-2 Guncannon remodified!!!

Finally!!! I have remodified my HGUC Guncannon!
This was my first airbrushed gundam kit and it was built about 3 years ago!
I go to work and had no time to readjust this kit...
After work, I try to work on the kit everyday about 1-2 hours...
but, since I am tired some of the days I didn't even bother to touch...
Now, it has been finally finished!
I think this took about 3 weeks...
 Here goes some pictures~

 Here are some action pose~

Feels good to finish this kit...
Now on my old HGUC MK-II Titans...
It's about 75% finished... hopefully it will be done this week...

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